
NEW! Get a Lowes-LISC Small Business Relief Grant!


Round 4 applications for Lowes-LISC Small Business Relief Grants are now open! Deadline is 11:59 PM ET, 6/17/2020. 

What is Lowes-LISC offering?

Grants to small business owners to help meet their most immediate needs. Eligible expenses include:

  • Paying rent and utilities
  • Meeting payroll
  • Paying outstanding debt to vendors
  • Upgrading technology infrastructure
  • Other immediate operational costs

Who is eligible?

We will support small businesses and enterprises affected by the COVID-19 pandemic across the country, especially those businesses in underserved communities owned and led by minorities and women – all groups who often lack access to flexible, affordable capital.

Applications will be reviewed based on criteria designed to prioritize particularly challenged businesses, and the final grantees will be randomly selected from the top scoring applicants.

If you are a nonprofit organization, we have compiled a guide of resources available nationally and locally.

Para leer esta información en español, haga click aquí.
